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Learn more about reading music and put your knowledge into practice. (Sprache: Englisch)

In this sequel to Reading Music 1 you will learn to play songs the way they were intended by the composer. Improve your communication skills with your fellow musicians. Finally you can put your theoretical knowledge into practice by working on a piece of music – a minuet by Johann S. Bach.


Workout: Guitar Basics

This course is part of an eight part series covering everything you need to get started on guitar.

  1. Guitar Basics
  2. Open Chords 1
  3. Open Chords 2
  4. Guitar Equipment
  5. Reading Music 1
  6. Reading Music 2
  7. Barre Chords
  8. Advanced Picking

(Sprache: Englisch)


Eighth Notes 00:07:18
Alternate Fingerpicking 00:06:08
4th String D, E and F 00:04:07
5th String A, B and C 00:04:26
6th String E, F and G 00:04:47
5th and 6th String exercises 00:05:47
All Notes in the First Position 00:04:24
Sharps, Flats and Natural Signs 00:07:32
Minuet in G by Johann S. Bach 00:04:28



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  • 48 Minuten, 57 Sekunden
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