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Learn all essentials about barre chords and their playing technique. (Sprache: Englisch)

Barre chords are a substantial playing technique for guitar and other string instruments: Press several strings with one or more fingers simultaneously to play a chord. Mastering this technique is important for song accompaniment. Felix gives important insights and shares exercises to learn this playing technique. At the end of this course you will be able to work on various songs and continue to work on your learned skills.


Workout: Guitar Basics

This course is part of an eight part series covering everything you need to get started on guitar.

  1. Guitar Basics
  2. Open Chords 1
  3. Open Chords 2
  4. Guitar Equipment
  5. Reading Music 1
  6. Reading Music 2
  7. Barre Chords
  8. Advanced Picking

(Sprache: Englisch)


Move The Chord 00:10:23
The E-Type Barre Chord 00:10:06
Use Of The E-Type Barre Chord 00:09:24
The A-Type Barre Chord 00:10:08
Use Of The A-Type Barre Chord 00:11:04
Exercises With Both Barre Types 00:08:01
Song Examples With Barre Chords 00:09:17



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