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Improve your ear and apply theoretical knowledge with singing exercises focussing on triads. (Sprache: Englisch)

Since Ear Training 1 covered intervals, Ear Training 2 focuses on triads and chords. Together with the first course it strives to improve your tonal imagination. Many audio samples allow to apply your theoretical knowledge about topics like inversions and diatonic triads. The theoretical basics are covered in the corresponding course Music Theory 2 and for best results we encourage working on Music Theory 2 and Ear Training 2 in parallel. (Sprache: Englisch)

Note: Print out the worksheet. Find the exercise matching the lesson you want to work on. The lessons have audio samples, so you can hear the exercises. Your job then is to sing the exercise or notate the missing notes.

Theory & Ear Training Workout

This course is part of a series covering everything you need to get started on Music Theory and Ear Training.

  1. Music Theory 1 – Intervals
  2. Ear Training 1
  3. Music Theory 2 – Triads
  4. Ear Training 2



Singing Exercises 00:04:56
Triads In Root Position 00:00:31
Triads 1 00:00:24
Chord Progressions 1 00:00:26
Triads 2 00:00:23
Chord Progressions 2 00:00:19
Three Note Lines 00:00:15
Short Melodies 00:00:51



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