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Moeller advanced fine-tuning: With the Pumping Motion you learn how to generate multiple hits with one stroke at lightning speed. (Sprache: Englisch)

The third and last course of the Moeller Workout is more advanced and allows you to fine-tune this technique. Claus discusses accents in both hands and more complex ostinato exercises. He addresses misconceptions about the use of finger technique within the Moeller method. That aspect was described by Moeller as the Pull Out Motion. With the Moeller Pumping Motion you learn how to generate multiple hits with one stroke at lightning speed. This last course goes in depth and provides ideas and exercises to give you food for thought and ideas to continue working on the Moeller Technique. (Sprache: Englisch)


Accents From Both Hands 00:09:19
Classic Pumping Motion 00:08:39
Connecting Technique Patterns and Rudiments 00:11:39
Pumping Motion Reverse Syncopation 00:09:44
Pull Out 00:08:08
Application Of Moeller Pull Out / Open Roll 00:11:20
Moeller Pull Out with Single Stroke Four 00:07:50
Single Stroke 4 With Reversed Syncopation 00:12:14



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