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All you need to know about Advanced Picking: finger picking, flatpicking, Travis picking pattern and much more. (Sprache: Englisch)

Finger picking is a standard technique of the classical as well as the nylon string guitar. The strings of the guitar are plucked with fingertips, fingernails or fingerpicks. An alternative is playing with a plectrum which is commonly known as flatpicking. Learn different fingerstyle patterns, finger techniques as well as the Travis picking pattern, often used in folk and country music. It is named after Merle Travis, a famous and innovative country musician and guitar player. In the end Felix touches on playing chord melodies which means playing chords and melody simultaneously. For all who want to know more about flatpicking check out part 2 of this workout “Open Chords”, especially the lesson “Easy Strumming”.


Workout: Guitar Basics

This course is part of an eight part series covering everything you need to get started on guitar.

  1. Guitar Basics
  2. Open Chords 1
  3. Open Chords 2
  4. Guitar Equipment
  5. Reading Music 1
  6. Reading Music 2
  7. Barre Chords
  8. Advanced Picking

(Sprache: Englisch)


Fingerpicking Patterns 1 00:12:21
Fingerpicking Patterns 2 00:12:14
Fingerpicking Patterns 3 00:05:40
Merle Travis Picking Style 00:05:31
Chord Melody Playing 1 00:05:00
Chord Melody Playing 2 00:07:26
Chord Melody Playing 3 00:06:28



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  • 54 Minuten, 40 Sekunden
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