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The perfect sound derives from your fingers and not the electrical power plug. This course ensures your fingers fitness. (Sprache: Englisch)

Great sound can be achieved not necessarily sophisticated technical equipment but simply the use of great playing and proper finger technique. Markus Vieweg shows you all the basics of plucking your bass correctly and how that plucking differs from plucking a guitar.  The angle of placing your fingers on your instrument is crucial and Markus explains how this influences the sound. The importance of using your hand to muffle the volume and control higher frequencies is explained in great detail, as well as the basic usage of a plectrum. After this course, you will be fully equipped for achieving the best possible sound, even in difficult environments. Last but not least, Markus shows you how to build a good foundation, even when dealing with „bad“ equalizer settings, by developing and challenging your skill set. (Sprache: Englisch)


How To Pluck The String Correctly 00:04:50
Position Of The Plucking Hand 00:11:34
The Thumb And Palm Mute 00:07:42
The Plectrum 00:12:42
Shit Sounds 00:06:29



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  • 43 Minuten, 17 Sekunden
© OnlineLessons.tv GmbH