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Navigate safely and with confidence around the fretboard – we’ll show you a learning method in this course. (Sprache: Englisch)

There are several different ways and systems to get to know the fretboard. Each player has its own method that he deems the most comfortable and effective. Markus Vieweg shows you in this course his favourite for achieving the best results fast. He turns the fretboard into a map with multiple starts and stops, in this case, tones to be precise. He elaborates the relationship between the fretboard and the tones to help you to navigate safely and confidently between these points and the imaginary coordinates on the map of your fretboard.  Through this approach, you will be able to play unknown and not yet learned tones fast and with ease. This course is completed with additional exercises, that help you to train your dexterity on the fretboard. These learned abilities can be combined i.e. with the exercises of the subsequent course „Major Scale and its musical use“, which we highly recommend as a supplementary course. (Sprache: Englisch)


The Open Strings And The 12th Fret 00:05:14
The 5th Fret 00:03:07
The 7th Fret 00:03:15
The 3rd Fret 00:04:21
1st, 9th, 11th Fret And All The Rest 00:11:29
How To Train The Navigation Effectively 00:02:35



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