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It is very helpful to know your equipment – join us to learn more about the stuff you are working with. (Sprache: Englisch)

At first glance it may seem as if owning a guitar is all you need to play it. That’s obviously right, and yet it is helpful to know a bit more about the instrument and some useful accessories that simplify guitar playing. Get helpful hints on how to deal with your guitar equipment and which accessories are useful to have.


Workout: Guitar Basics

This course is part of an eight part series covering everything you need to get started on guitar.

  1. Guitar Basics
  2. Open Chords 1
  3. Open Chords 2
  4. Guitar Equipment
  5. Reading Music 1
  6. Reading Music 2
  7. Barre Chords
  8. Advanced Picking

(Sprache: Englisch)


How To Change Strings 00:15:44
How To Tune A Guitar 00:07:43
How To Use A Foot Rest 00:02:15
How To Use A Guitar Strap 00:02:02
How To Use A Capodaster 00:03:37
Guitar Accessories 00:01:40



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