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This course explains major scales as a foundation for playing melodies and developing your own bass lines. (Sprache: Englisch)

This course is all about the major scales on the bass: their cheerful sound will ensure this to be a fun and happy session.

Simply put: a scale is a series of notes within an octave and major scales, in particular, are the basis of western music as well as the basis of many other scales. Learning bass scales and thus major scales is a great way to become familiar with your instrument. It’s also a good start and introduction to the basics of music theory.

Markus Vieweg explains how to make use of the seven notes, of which traditional scales usually consist of, to play melodies and to develop your own bass lines. He shares effective finger exercises to train your fingers and make them stronger, faster and more fluid. Look forward to the end of the course because there is some good news ahead: If you have learned one major scale, you can automatically play other scales too. How is that done? Well, that’s what this course is all about. Have fun! (Sprache: Englisch)


How To Play The Major Scale 00:12:42
Scale And Timing 00:12:16
Train Your Fingers 00:08:04
The Scale On One String 00:05:17



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  • 38 Minuten, 19 Sekunden
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