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Learn the theoretical basics regarding triads and chords. (Sprache: Englisch)

Having thoroughly focused on the topic of intervals in Music Theory 1, the follow-up course Music Theory 2 focusses on triads and chords in general. For example sixth chords and six-four chords are explained in detail, as well as diatonic triads, which are utilizied in many music styles such as jazz and pop music. This course corresponds with Ear Training 2 where many audio samples are ready for you to apply and test your new theoretical music skills in practice. For best results we encourage working on Music Theory 2 and Ear Training 2 in parallel. (Sprache: Englisch)


Theory & Ear Training Workout

This course is part of a series covering everything you need to get started on Music Theory and Ear Training.

  1. Music Theory 1 – Intervals
  2. Ear Training 1
  3. Music Theory 2 – Triads
  4. Ear Training 2

  (Sprache: Englisch)


Root Position 00:08:24
Inversions 00:11:02
Diatonic Triads In Major Keys 00:06:35
Diatonic Functions 00:09:48
Cadences 00:06:17
Chord Analysis 00:07:12
Harmonisation With Triads 00:17:47
Conclusion 00:01:19



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